It is hard to believe we are about the begin our last week before the holiday. The students have been busy writing their stories for our book "The Rainbow Sheep" which we are planning to self publish. I will have more information on Friday at our class party. As you may also know, the boys and girls have been working hard on their "passion hour project." Passion Hour is a weekly timeslot where the students dedicate themselves to researching about something they are passionate about. It could be a hobby, a leisure activity they enjoy, or a particular cause. I have been impressed with the wide range of presentations they will make. The focus for this activity is how to present an idea or topic, from a visual as well as a verbal perspective. A large focus will be on communication skills, which is an invaluable skill. In math this past week, the students have been learning about features of 3D shapes such as edges, vertices, faces and angles. In literacy, as a result of some updated reading assessments, there have been some new reading groups established and we have reviewed how effective reading groups function. Finally, we have been really working hard at identifying what successful "living learning journals" (LLVs) look like. LLVs are a record of students learning and reflections about the Unit of Inquiry. Our focus in our UOI these past two weeks have been about artifacts, and what they tell us about the past regarding how we live, as well as how discoveries have led to change. We still have about 2 or 3 weeks of this UOI to continue after the holiday so there is much more coming. I look forward to seeing you at the holiday party on Friday at 1:45. We will spend about 20 minutes looking at the exhibits of the children before we enjoy the holiday cheer. See you then!
P. S. Be sure to see the new pictures below!