
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Have a Great Summer!

I just want to thank students and parents for the generous gifts.  It has been a wonderful year which I will remember for a long time. Below are some videos of our final end of year shadow puppet show, and a mannequin challenge. I have been busy moving into a new house and have now left on vacation. I wish everyone a wonderful summer holiday.  Safe travels

Friday, June 1, 2018

Rainbow Sheep Stories!

Finally....our Anthology of Rainbow Sheep stories has gone to print! The students have spent literally months on this project, from the pre-writing to drafting it, from revising to editing for writing convention mistakes, creating the illustrations and finally to publishing it.  They have edited each other's work, and listened to readings. They are all now published writers!   If you have yet to talk to your child about the quantity, please do so this weekend.  The printer has quoted us a price of 36,000 cym per copy, which was slightly more than I estimated. I emailed you what I thought was the number of copies for each child.  Please update this with me by email if there is a change.  We are collecting money on Monday, so feel free to send in the appropriate amount.

Thanks again.

Have a great weekend and see you on Wednesday!

Winding up to our Performance!

While some students may be winding down, our students are winding up.  Our culminating activity for this Unit of Inquiry, Sharing the Planet, will be on Wednesday, June 6 at 1:00.  This "secret" performance has been taken days and days to prepare.  We are hard at work rehearsing and the students are excited to have parents as the audience.  They will do some dress rehearsals in the morning to other grades.

Following the performance, the 3P students will present their final passion hour exhibition at about 1:30.  This of course is followed by our class party, with Mr Matt's grade 3 class, at 2:00 near the fish pond.

While we have been preparing for a performance, it has also included much reflection about certain issues connected to natural and finite resources.  For example, while almost all students understand that cutting down rainforests have a negative effect on the environment, there has also been recognition that the work provided to local workers feeds families, and helps to builds hospitals and schools.  The students are building empathy and additional perspectives for various ethical issues.  In short, they are learning that sometimes, there are no easy answers.  Similarly, they have compiled a very innovative list of many ways they can take responsible action for the way we live.  Examples range from wearing cloths more than once, to turning the water off when brushing their teeth, to refrain from using straws in restaurants--all in the hopes to helping to sustain the earth's finite natural resources.

Last week we managed to visit a grade 10 design class, to give them some feedback on their products.  The boys and girls were very engaged.  They were particularly interested in the 3D printer.

In literacy, they are completing their guiding reading and book reports. We have been reflecting in their living learning journals.

In Math class, we have been reviewing how to find perimeter and area of shapes.  Next week we will finalize our math research with an investigation into capacity/volume.

See the pictures below!