
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Rocks and Minerals;

So this past week was the beginning of our new unit of inquiry, How the World Works. This is essentially a unit about geography and geology, where we study rocks and minerals. Throughout this UOI the students are learning about the scientific method of observing, making predictions, testing, recording outcomes and reflecting about them. We began with our first investigation of what sand looks like when magnified by 300 times. Most students had no idea what to expect so there were many surprises about what they saw. This coming week we will do our first real experiment. The students are very excited about this unit and it is a lot of fun! There are also ethical concerns we will encounter as the students consider what minerals are used for, how they are mined, and by whom. It promises to be a very mind opening unit!

In math this week we reviewed some investigations into features of 3D shapes, angles, and congruence, as well as our ongoing problem solving in our mental math activity.

Traditional fiction (fairy tales, legends and storytelling) is the focus of our literacy these days.  We have been reading, and discussing the features of this genre.  I am reading aloud a book by Raoul Dahl, Danny, the Champion of the World.  The students look forward to this time every week.  This is on the heels of our historical fiction project, which is beginning to take shape.  We hope to spend some time this week putting all of the student's stories in one document, so we can prepare it for printing.  Shortly, I hope to have more information about the cost per book, and we will then take orders.  They make a nice gift for grand parents.  We will be putting a copy in the school library.  Another week is upon us! 

Just a heads up--April 15th is Student-Led Conferences.  It is a chance for students to bring parents into the classroom to show them their various learning projects. Also note that April 24th is a half day due to teacher professional development.

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